
The Word of Life: Systematic Theology, Volume Two is unavailable, but you can change that!

The focal point in Oden’s second volume is Jesus Christ. He is the Word made flesh, and this idea engages Oden in a methodical examination of Christ’s deity, the incarnation, and Christ’s humanity. In pursuit of the historical Jesus, we are invited to an intimate look at Jesus’ public ministry, as well as His death and resurrection.

The most brilliant analysis of Philippians 2:7 is found in Hilary: Hence, the emptying of the form is not the destruction of the nature, because He who empties Himself is not wanting in His own nature and He who receives remains. And since it is He Himself who empties and receives, we find indeed a mystery in Him, because He empties Himself and receives Himself, but no destruction takes place so that He ceases to exist when He empties Himself or does not exist when He receives.
Pages 80–81